Zoë A. Johnson King
Hi! I’m a philosopher who primarily does Ethics, Metaethics, and Epistemology.
Since Fall 2o22, I’ve been an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy department at Harvard. During AY 2023-24 I’ll be a Fellow-in-Residence at the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Ethics.
Before Harvard, I was an Assistant Professor at USC (2020-2022). Before USC, I was a Bersoff Fellow at NYU (2018-2020).
Before NYU, I got my PhD in Philosophy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2013-2018). My dissertation was on moral motivation. Here it is.
Before Michigan, I did the Teach First programme (2011-2013), earning a PGCE — the UK’s main teaching degree — and teaching full-time for two years in a secondary school in Croydon.
Before Teach First, I did a BA and M.Phil in Philosophy at the University of Cambridge (2007-2011). I was at Fitzwilliam College.
Before Cambridge, I was born in London (1988-1989) and grew up in Nottingham (1989-2007). Sometimes I give talks in a Midlands accent, because representation is important.
I did well on the job market fresh outta grad school, so people sometimes ask to see my job market materials. To minimize cliqueyness, I’ve decided to just make them publicly available: here’s my Diversity Statement, my Teaching Portfolio, my Research Statement, my Writing Sample, and the CV that I used for the market. (Note that this material is from 2018, so all of it is now very dated — there’s a link to the most recent iteration of my CV right above this paragraph, and you can find up-to-date information on my research, teaching, and service all on this website.)
N.B. There has been a surprising amount of confusion about what my last name is. My last name (a.k.a. surname) is 'Johnson King'. I hope that clears it up.
Email me: zjohnsonking@fas.harvard.edu